I will sue her, Chef Wan akan saman isteri bekas suami Serina


Chef Wan akhirnya memberitahu dia akan saman isteri bekas suami Serina Redzuawan. Ini ekoran satu kenyataan yang dibuat oleh wanita berkenaan yang dilihat telah mencemar nama baiknya.

Perkara ini ditulis oleh Chef Wan di laman IG miliknya semalam.

Ini tulis Chef Wan: “Talking about sunat ini baru-baru ini my exMenantu wife sibuk ceritakan on her IG kononnya saya ini pada suatu ketika ada post didalam IG saya kononnya saya pergi kerumah anak yatim beri sedekah saya telah menyoal seorang budak kononnya didalam video tersebut saya menanya budak itu umurnya berapa.

Apabila budak itu kata 12 tahun, Saya tanya dia “mai buka seluar Atok nak tengok betul ke 12 tahun?”

And the kids semua gelak. Now let me explain clearly to this exMenantu wife ini. In our Malay culture we as elderly people always make jokes about this sunat thing in a child.

At no intention at all i have anything that she has implies on her IG that my behaviour is weird for an old man.

I am not a prvert that my grandchildren cannot spent in bed with me or anyone that is at home with me as family of my own that we are being accused as though i am a prvert.

Is she so desperate to have the custody of my 2 grandchildren to come up with such stories to frame me?

I will sued her to her last penny for implying these and now talking to my lawyer about this accusation.

This exMenantu wife is desperate to even stick her nose in my family matters. Now i shall teach her a lesson not to open her lousy mouth if it’s not true.

Anyone who know me i always joke around about this all the time but mean no harm.

Thank you for giving the apportunity to make them look so ridiculous for such fitnah! U want to ruined by Celebrity status? Omg that value is very high! U play with fire? I will teach her a lesson!

Itulah komen dari Chef Wan tentang apa yang diperkatakan oleh isteri kepada bekas suami Serina Redzuawan.